Saturday, June 30, 2007

Whoo.. prelims are over! Haha. Well, at least for prelim 1. I guess i deserve a few days break. Before i continue grounding my head into those think textbooks being fed by silverfish. (Just joking)

Have been reading the national geographic magazine these few days. Flipped through some pages and realised that reading isn't that boring afterall. My interest in marine life was suddenly revived as i scanned through the magnificent pictures shot by Brian Skeery. The images he captured just shook me off my feet as I took my first look at one of the sea's magnificent fishes, the giant bluefin tuna. (sashimi lovers, you are in for a treat)

Of course things occuring on land were not missed out. The great canyon and spotted leopards. (Stealth hunters). After reading just a couple of pages, i was literally drawn into the world of marine life. The instinct of a ecologist suddenly sprang into my mind. The fact is, our earth is dying. In a few years time, there is a high possiblity of the elimination of resources on the earth. There might be even more drastic climate changes which will bring about more disasters which bring about the loss of human life. I don't really whats going in my mind, but all of the sudden, anxiety, fear, worry just pops out. Fear of what might become of this world

But deep down inside. A voice wishpers. "God will provide.. God will provide.. Don't worry". I know life as a christian involves what one calls 'radical faith'. But.. I just don't see how is reparation of the damage we incurred going to take place. Am i doubting his ability? Am not trusting him? Definitely not. But.. If our heavenly father is going to do something... Why aren't fish stocks replinishing? Why are people still dying from natural disasters? Why are people suffering from shortage of food? I guess i have asked too many whys. Maybe its just that my heart hasn't been fully entrusted to God's magnificence. Maybe I am still drawn closer to my flesh and blood. Not living life with an eternal perspective.

Nevertheless.. I still believe we have the responsiblity of protecting the earth that God made for us to live. We need to ensure there is sustainable devlopment, for future generations to live in. (that is if there is any.. haha. The sounds of trumpets? Lol.. just joking. Its up to him really.)
The earth is after all, his. You get my point yea?

Bleaugh.. forget about the topic. Haha.

Heres a basic freestyle that I took. Not exactly the professional ones you see on the net. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Okay so school officially starts today with the exams. What a great way to start to start the term. I guess its fun in a sense. Haha. SO, as usual, when a school term starts. All school boys are expected to have their hair trimmed short. I was no exception.

The Before

The After

Pretty short huh. Haha. But I guess it gives us some side effects. (hopefully its to make us more smart) haha. Ah... but i must say, being back in school is definitely has a good feeling. All the friends, the teachers... haha.

Oh my.. look at the time now. eq... you have to study... gogo..

But before I go, this is the picture of the day.

ITS.... ITS... ITS.... jieyu and me trying to look like peter parker from spidey 3. All emoed up.
Jie yu did a good job.... BUT... eq.... er... not exactly what the director was looking for... (eyes too small lar...) lol..

Friday, June 22, 2007

reinigite! lol

God was moving tonight. that was definite

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lol.. This is funny.

Juffri trying his best to stone. The results.. I don't need to explain. The vedio would do the talking. aha

Friday, June 15, 2007


Yea, i guess thats the word to describe myself now. Helpless to someone in need.

It has been quite sometime since i pulled myself out the curtains of darkness. A period of time whereby I had to wear a mask wherever I go. A time when I need to face the reality. The reality that I was in the wrong.

Its always tough to admit you are in the wrong. (duh) Well... I had to. An unfortunate incident in school exposed myself to my own faults, my own vunerabilities. Thats me, being self-centered, stubborn. I still remember the words my friend told me, "You are sincere only when it comes to God. Other than that, your love for others is not wholehearted." "You care only about things which are beneficial to you." Tilll today I still don't know if thats true.. But i guess its better to believe that it is..

So now what? what what? what what what joash? what what nothing.... its just that when somebody finds fault in himself, he has to be a smart little boy and do something called 'learning from your mistakes and changing for the better!' Otherwise.. he has to prepare to face unforseen circumstances and get eaten up by a monster... (lame lame lame) So yea, its the route to learning or get defeated by the devil.

Joash's ways of winning the battle and kicking the devil in the face:

1. to overcome spirit of stubborness, you have to counter it with the spirit of teachableness... (is there such a word? my engish not very powderful ah.. my apologies)

2. overcome self-centerdness with selflessness!

3. start practising what i preach by loving others like how i love myself

4. not being indifferent to things which do not concern my intrest.

seriously.. its tougher then it looks.

Went to edwards house today... The poor guy's been down with chicken poks. Yea so aaron and me decided to pay him a visit. Taught him how to feel the "beat" while playing the guitar. (Hoped it helps you in your guitar playing buddy!)

Managed to talk to edward's mom... Shes very nice i must say. Always wanting the best for edward. Got to know so much more about edward... about how edward has changed over the past 2 years since he joined DR. However I got to hear the part of edward's sufferings.. edwards life. After hearing what she had to say, i just hope I could care for him more. Letting him know that he is being loved. And that no matter how people think of him. No matter what deficiency he has, he will always be loved by the Lord and us DR. His brothers and sisters in christ.

Sometimes, i feel so guilty, so bad... on my mind I tell myself I want to care for this brother wholeheartedly. However, at times, I give myself excuses, im feeling tired, that i find it hard to communicate with him. And then what happens.. i leave him alone and hopes that someone else from the youth group come along and keep him company.. Some wholeheartedness huh.

Is that what one as a chrisitian does? Being indifferent? Being selfish to suit one's intrest?

Heavenly father. I commit my faults and my sin onto the cross. Where Christ died for us. I pray that even though how many times i have hurt you, i ask for your forgiveness. Lord let me be able to battle stubborness with a teachable spirit. A self-centered mind with a selfless spirit. Lord i pray that your words be a living lamp upon my feet. Use me as your humble servant to bless other's in need. Lord most importantly, I pray for my precious brother edward. I commit his life into your hands. Lord even thou the world is full of standards and he may find difficulty to suit in, Lord let him know that he does not need to live up to the standards of the world. But i rather a life that is sought solely after you. Lord give him confidence in himself. Let him spill his heart out to you when he is trouble. For only you are wise enough to give him counsel. And finally, I pray for a healing Lord... Let our unwithering faith be strong pillars in the kingdom of heaven. Lord hear our cries...

Ok... I hope edward doesn't come across this blog.. He would be upset by my actions.. wait on second thoughts, I dun think anyone comes to my blog..

Lets end the post on a high note..

Heres a vedio of my polevault team.. Just for fun.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

a post in a... year.

alright. i guess this blog serves a purpose afterall. after the 1 year it has been stagnant, it has succesfully conveyed the message to others that i have a boring life. BUT, now its back due to popular demand! Lets start off by posting an invitation photo of myself to indicate the revival of this old rugged, mosquito infested,

yep... thats me.. see how much i have changed over the season?
no. just joking. this is me la...

sorry this is the best picture have... haha! i still look skinny... haven grown abit. bleaugh.
So life has been quite intresting for me. going to start updating this online journal from now. it seems quite fun after all. not that boring as i thought it was. Its holidays now. Im forcing myself to finish my revisions for the mid years. However, im sad to say that half the time, my willpower fails me. Tsk tsk... eq... eq... Well, but you know, there is always more to look forward to in the school holidays. Yes! Church!!!! lol. So many events lined up. Its so motivating to see everyone so involved in church. Yea.. and im really greatful for the church itself. Thank God..
It just excites me to have the thought of the reunification of DR under christ. I truly believe that we will achieve what we set out for. And soon, we will have enough workers for the upcoming harvest that is installed for us.
Heavenly father, we commit our investment into the Kingdom of God into your hands. Lord even thou we know in our hearts that we want to see results from our investments, Lord i pray that we will not invest because we want to see results, but because we want to show our love for others and bless them like how you blessed us. Lord let us be your servents, and i pray that we will overcome blockades that the devil place to stop us from fulfilling our tasks and mission.
Let your kingdom come, your will be done.