Hi guys. Sorry for the extra delayed post. First of all, say hi to Mr bandage.
Ouch... thanks to a misplaced jump, Joash Seng En Quan had landed in an awkward postion and sprained his sorry leg.. Haha... Nevertheless, thank God for the treatment of the leg. A delayed treatment COULD have resulted in a massive blood cot, which results in blockages AND SUBSEQUENTLY. DEATH!! haha!. (Im just crapping)
Anyway. The week has been fine. OP night was a massive outpour of God's blessings and studying has been quite efficient. Thank God for all he has done for me. Glory to him. Festival of Praise was amazing too! Stew Smee was there! along with Martin and the delirious band. But most importantly. God was present and his word was spoken to us through Phil, funny pastor and inspiring speaker.

And lastly, this pair of lovely ear phones were from janine, belle and christine. Thank you so much girls. and I also have to thank pastor and aunty anna for the shirt, jeslin for her cd and oliver and lert for their drum sticks. Thanks so much guys. You have made my this year's birthday a very touching and memorable one.